我们的前任牧者 - Our Former Pastors
陆同佑 牧师
兴趣爱好:大部份运动都兴趣;也喜欢比较安静的如音乐/唱歌/设计/收集一点钱币和邮票/对一切和音响器材有关的东西很好奇;会很多黑暗料理;喜欢带着家人和朋友自驾游(可惜在澳洲还没有露营过)。 牧会步入30年,但社会历练很少;穿着嘛..因儿子们不要的衣服我穿不完,所以常常从脚的鞋到头上的帽子常常都是孩子的,而脸部的护肤品全是老婆的;年轻朋友太多而心境发育不良。总而言之,有点不像一个牧师。 不过嘛,在牧会中主持过的葬礼(数百宗),主持的婚礼以及洗礼是无法计算的,只能他们告诉我说:“当年是你主持的...”然后记忆不好的我就拼命回想。 觉得做过最有意义的决定,就是设立了福儿院(孤儿院),儿童智障中心和辅导中心。 最心里觉得不可思议的事是,曾经在一个万人敬拜上(没输入错误,是万人),我作为诗歌敬拜的主领(伴唱是专业的声乐老师和知名指挥,伴奏是我家乡最棒的管弦乐队结合一支西洋乐队)。 牧养过的教会有崇拜平均人数1500人的,也有平均10个人的。 一生最珍爱的人是我的家人,生活在一起都那么开心喜乐。 最感恩的是,上帝一直带领我,拥有了我自觉不配得的一生。上帝所有给的都超出了我的努力。我觉得我自出母胎到今天,我回头都看到了上帝的恩典和带领的手。 最后,很高兴在主里和你们成为属灵的家人,成为在基督里的同工。尤其在这疫情的期间,我们能相遇和一起建立教会,很特殊和奇异。阿们! |
吳慶勝 牧师
吳牧师出生在浙江温州市一個基督徒家庭,是一位第三代的基督徒。1985年於香港決志信主,後在主的保守和帶領下於1994年在香港荃灣恩雨堂受洗歸主。吳傳道畢業於Monash大學,先後獲取Monash大學的Bachelor of Marketing 和Master of Practising Accounting,並於2005年成爲澳洲CPA認證會計師。吳傳道曾先後在香港和澳洲從事中港貿易、管理工作、商業保險,及銀行服務等工作20多年。自2006年起,吳傳道夫婦就積極參與Crossway浸信會普通話堂的各項事奉,吳傳道更成爲該堂的主要同工領袖之一。2014年,吳傳道蒙召全職奉獻接受神學装備,2017年中畢業於墨爾本神學院中文部,獲教牧碩士學位。2015年7月,吳傳道開始在史賓威宣道堂實習,2017年7月,蒙神的揀選,弟兄姐妹的信任,教會的委任而擔任史賓威宣道堂全職傳道人。師母馮慧仙,現在擔任Crossway浸信會國際事工部的幹事,她與吳傳道育有二女一子。 |
Pastor Allan Quah
Allan Quah became a Christian in 1977 at the Billy Graham’s Evangelistic Crusade, Singapore and was baptised at Chinese Methodist Church Penang in 1983.
He was actively involved in The Boys’ Brigade ministry (少年军) since 1976 to 2003, the world oldest uniform organisation. He received some Boys’ Brigade training in UK, went back to Penang, Malaysia and have served as the Boys’ Brigade Officer from 1983— 2003. He has more than 20 years of experience in planning, logistic and purchasing, worked for multi-national organisations in Malaysia and in Australia. After migrating to Australia in 2003, Allan worked full time as well as was actively serving the Mighty Kids Church ministry with ECC Springvale. In 2010, Allan studied part-time and graduated with a Bachelor of Theology degree from Melbourne University of Divinity in 2015. He is blessed and happily married to Cerene Koo and they have two lovely teen-daughters, living in Eastern suburbs. Allan was appointed by ECC Springvale as Pastor - Children's Ministry in Dec 2013. His aspirations are be very “Sure and Stedfast” (Heb 6:19) as God called, leads him to fulfil God’s plan and purpose in his life, to advance God’s kingdom |
Pastor Peter Yip
Peter originally comes from Johor Bahru, Malaysia. The Lord Jesus saved him when he was 15 years old. Travelling overseas for the first time, he studied for an Economics/Accounting degree at La Trobe University, Melbourne. Returning to Malaysia, he worked in various industries such as insurance, teaching and IT. However his desire to know more about the Lord brought him back to Melbourne in 1990 to study at various times at Ridley College, BCV and the Presbyterian Theological College. It was at PTC that he graduated with a Masters of Divinity in 2010. All this while studying part-time while engaged in full-time work with companies such as Australian Diagnostics, Microsoft and Network Associates (McAfee).
Peter has always been very active in working with young people and helping them to deepen their faith in God in church and especially at universities and colleges. His interests include multicultural understanding, church growth and comparative faiths. At the beginning of 2011, he was invited to take up the English pastoral role at ECCS. He is grateful for the challenge and responsibility that the pastoral role brings. In equipping the saints for ministry, he hopes that the church will shine the light of Jesus in Springvale and beyond. To God be the glory. |