我们的使命 - Our Commission
"We serve the people around our areas to manifest the glory of Christ Jesus"
"We serve the people around our areas to manifest the glory of Christ Jesus"
我们的异象 - Our Vision:
广传福音 全人敬拜 彼此相爱 认识真理 服事他人
Relying on God, We can influence this world!
Spreading the Gospel, Worship Wholeheartedly, Loving One Another, Knowing the Truth, Serving Others
我们的网站访客 - Our Web Visitors
按 "+" 或 "-" 可放大或缩小地图 - Click "+" or "-" to enlarge or reduce map details
标记下的数码是那城市的访客人数 - Number below each marker represents the number of new visitors from that city.
按标记可以见到访客在网站的活动 - Click the marker to see visitors' web activities
标记下的数码是那城市的访客人数 - Number below each marker represents the number of new visitors from that city.
按标记可以见到访客在网站的活动 - Click the marker to see visitors' web activities